Kemaren sore pulang kantor perasaan g campur aduk antara pusing, mual, lemes dan teman-temannya. Begitu sampe rumah sempet nyuapin Adrian makan kentang goreng, g juga ikut makan beberapa potong, abis itu ga selera lagi.
Abang dan Adrian ke mesjid sholat maghrib. Lom sempet sholat g dah ngeringkuk di tempat tidur.. gilee lemes bo! Setelah para cowok pulang, g masih ngeringkuk di kamar. Males banget mo bangun.. wudhu.. kebayang deh dinginnya aer.. brrrr. Tapi setelah dipaksa2 g bangun juga.
Masuk kamar mandi langsung kecium sisa bau masakan dari dapur. Hueek... g langsung keluar lagi. G suruh si Sari gosok kamar mandi, g ke kamar mandi belakang aja deh. Abis sholat g ngeringkuk lagi. Kali ini g nyalain AC biar bau-bau masakan terusir dari kamar g.
Setelah si Sari selesai gosok kamar mandi, ternyata bau cairan penggosok kamar mandi juga bikin 'neq! Huuuh... g nyalain exhaust fan biar keluar semuanya tuh bau cairan pembersih... Trus g ngeringkuk lagi.
Tengah malem g bangun buat sholat Isya.. abis itu, tidur lagi he he he. Bangun jam 1/2 6 buat sholat subuh.. ya ya ya.. sholat subuhnya ketelatan :P. Tapi apa coba hasilnya tidur selama itu tadi malem? Hari ini g berasa suegerrrr sekaliiiii... ga ada ngantuk, ga ada lemes, ga ada semuanya.. semangat!!! \:D/
Hmmmm, apa g harus tidur 12 jam tiap hari ya biar selalu semangat gini? hihi....
Monday, July 21, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today's achievement
Tenang, isinya ga seserius judulnya koq.. hihi...
Hari ini, g ternyata berhasil menyelesaikan 70 buah Croissant dan 27 buah Risoles. Alhamdulillaah. Tapi capek euy...
Bangun jam 4 pagi, ngulenin, lipet-lipet, giling, lipet-lipet, giling, motong, gulung.. beres-beres jam 8. Kali ini g dibantu dengan dua orang asisten: Abang dan Sari he he he... Abang dapet bagian giling-giling, Sari dapet bagian goreng risoles, g dapet bagian bikin adonan dan gulung-gulung croissant.
Begitu sampe kantor, belum sampe 10 menit semua makanan habis bis bisss.. soalnya g dateng telat jam 8:10 orang-orang dah pada kelaparan kali he he he...
Abis ini mo istirahat dulu ah.. capek juga ternyata mau mulai jadi tukang kue....
Hari ini, g ternyata berhasil menyelesaikan 70 buah Croissant dan 27 buah Risoles. Alhamdulillaah. Tapi capek euy...
Bangun jam 4 pagi, ngulenin, lipet-lipet, giling, lipet-lipet, giling, motong, gulung.. beres-beres jam 8. Kali ini g dibantu dengan dua orang asisten: Abang dan Sari he he he... Abang dapet bagian giling-giling, Sari dapet bagian goreng risoles, g dapet bagian bikin adonan dan gulung-gulung croissant.
Begitu sampe kantor, belum sampe 10 menit semua makanan habis bis bisss.. soalnya g dateng telat jam 8:10 orang-orang dah pada kelaparan kali he he he...
Abis ini mo istirahat dulu ah.. capek juga ternyata mau mulai jadi tukang kue....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Dagang dagang....
Berawal dari sini, di rumah g jadi sering bikin ini. Keluarga g suka, Adrian suka, kadang g bawa juga ke kantor buat sarapan bareng rame-rame. Trus temen-temen g nyaranin buat dijualin di kantor (dititip ke resepsionis). Hmm, G pikir why not? :P.
Awalnya g ga pede sih.. Pertama, g ga bisa bikin croissant dengan ukuran yang sama semua. Kedua, g juga ga tau kalo mau jual naro harga berapa? Tapi trus g telpon-telponan sama temen g, trus nanya-nanya kalo dia beli di toko berapa harganya? he he... ya udah, untuk sementara g jual deh dengan harga 1500 sajah. :D
Tadinya g cuma mau jualan pain au chocolat dan croissant aja, tapi ternyata ada yang request risoles juga (hihi.. makanan yang ga nyambung ya?). Akhirnya jam 7 g paksa Abang nganterin ke superindo buat beli bahan-bahan risoles... Jam 8 sampai rumah lagi, mulailah g berkarya. Selesai jam 1/2 11 dan menghasilkan 37 potong risoles! Tuh kaan... bikin risoles tu lama banget :P.
Besok paginya g bangun jam 5 pagi. G mulai bikin adonan pastry dari 1/2 kg terigu. Hasilnya g dapet 18 potong croissant dan 14 potong pain au chocolat. Kalo bikin croissant ga banyak adonan yang kebuang makanya dapet lebih banyak...
Berangkat dari rumah jam 7:55... terlambat nih! Paling sampe kantor nanti jam 8:10. Hari ini g bawa: 10 risoles, 10 pain au chocolat dan 15 croissant isi keju. Sampai kantor g tinggalin dulu kue-kue di mobil, ga langsung titipin barang di resepsoinis. Soalnya g ga pede nih, bener-bener deh.. first time at everything itu bikin nervous he he he. Setelah absen, g cari temen dulu buat nemenin ke resepsionis... Di ruangan g ketemu Santi & Saeni. Mereka nemenin g sekalian bungkus beberapa kue buat mereka sendiri.
G duduk manis lagi di meja, baru mau mulai kerja.. tiba-tiba g ditelp sama Bu Sri, "Ver.. bisa pesen lagi ga kuenya?"
G bilang, "Boleh bu... buat kapan?"
Bu Sri, "Kalau bisa sih besok.. atau senin aja? Ga apa-apa senin juga"
G tanya, "Mau pesen berapa bu?"
Bu Sri, "Ya.... 40 biji"
Gubrakkkkkk!!! 40 biji... seumur idup g lom pernah bikin kue sebanyak itu :P. Tapi masa customer mo ditolak? ya nggak? Akhirnya gue iyakan aja. G bilang senin aja ya bu.. biar masih ada waktu.
Abis itu Santi dateng lagi, dia bilang "Ve.. g pengen pesen lagi, tapi g ga tega.....".
G bilang, "Kenapa san....?"
"Iya, abis takutnya elu capek..."
"Emang elu mo pesen berapa?"
"G mau ke Jakarta, pengen pesen 30 aja buat kakak gue..."
Weleh :P... g bilang, "Tadi Bu Sri juga pesen 40 biji ke g, g bilang senin.. hmmm, boleh lah nanti g usahain San..."
Santi, "Iya.. sebisanya aja Ve.. ga usah segitu juga gpp koq.. jangan maksain ya ntar lu sakit..."
Ga berapa lama dateng imel-imel dari temen-temen yang lain... mereka juga mo pesen beberapa potong kue lagi. Kata Saeni orang-orang Audit juga kepengen mesen. Hihi.. senangnyaaaa.. jualan g laku... :P Tapi deg-degan g... soalnya ga pernah bikin kue banyak2.. kalo gagal gimana? he he he.... semoga ga ya? Wish me luck!
Awalnya g ga pede sih.. Pertama, g ga bisa bikin croissant dengan ukuran yang sama semua. Kedua, g juga ga tau kalo mau jual naro harga berapa? Tapi trus g telpon-telponan sama temen g, trus nanya-nanya kalo dia beli di toko berapa harganya? he he... ya udah, untuk sementara g jual deh dengan harga 1500 sajah. :D
Tadinya g cuma mau jualan pain au chocolat dan croissant aja, tapi ternyata ada yang request risoles juga (hihi.. makanan yang ga nyambung ya?). Akhirnya jam 7 g paksa Abang nganterin ke superindo buat beli bahan-bahan risoles... Jam 8 sampai rumah lagi, mulailah g berkarya. Selesai jam 1/2 11 dan menghasilkan 37 potong risoles! Tuh kaan... bikin risoles tu lama banget :P.
Besok paginya g bangun jam 5 pagi. G mulai bikin adonan pastry dari 1/2 kg terigu. Hasilnya g dapet 18 potong croissant dan 14 potong pain au chocolat. Kalo bikin croissant ga banyak adonan yang kebuang makanya dapet lebih banyak...
Berangkat dari rumah jam 7:55... terlambat nih! Paling sampe kantor nanti jam 8:10. Hari ini g bawa: 10 risoles, 10 pain au chocolat dan 15 croissant isi keju. Sampai kantor g tinggalin dulu kue-kue di mobil, ga langsung titipin barang di resepsoinis. Soalnya g ga pede nih, bener-bener deh.. first time at everything itu bikin nervous he he he. Setelah absen, g cari temen dulu buat nemenin ke resepsionis... Di ruangan g ketemu Santi & Saeni. Mereka nemenin g sekalian bungkus beberapa kue buat mereka sendiri.
G duduk manis lagi di meja, baru mau mulai kerja.. tiba-tiba g ditelp sama Bu Sri, "Ver.. bisa pesen lagi ga kuenya?"
G bilang, "Boleh bu... buat kapan?"
Bu Sri, "Kalau bisa sih besok.. atau senin aja? Ga apa-apa senin juga"
G tanya, "Mau pesen berapa bu?"
Bu Sri, "Ya.... 40 biji"
Gubrakkkkkk!!! 40 biji... seumur idup g lom pernah bikin kue sebanyak itu :P. Tapi masa customer mo ditolak? ya nggak? Akhirnya gue iyakan aja. G bilang senin aja ya bu.. biar masih ada waktu.
Abis itu Santi dateng lagi, dia bilang "Ve.. g pengen pesen lagi, tapi g ga tega.....".
G bilang, "Kenapa san....?"
"Iya, abis takutnya elu capek..."
"Emang elu mo pesen berapa?"
"G mau ke Jakarta, pengen pesen 30 aja buat kakak gue..."
Weleh :P... g bilang, "Tadi Bu Sri juga pesen 40 biji ke g, g bilang senin.. hmmm, boleh lah nanti g usahain San..."
Santi, "Iya.. sebisanya aja Ve.. ga usah segitu juga gpp koq.. jangan maksain ya ntar lu sakit..."
Ga berapa lama dateng imel-imel dari temen-temen yang lain... mereka juga mo pesen beberapa potong kue lagi. Kata Saeni orang-orang Audit juga kepengen mesen. Hihi.. senangnyaaaa.. jualan g laku... :P Tapi deg-degan g... soalnya ga pernah bikin kue banyak2.. kalo gagal gimana? he he he.... semoga ga ya? Wish me luck!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Is it a waste of time?
Monday we went to the hospital again. This time we brought the authentic insurance card they asked. My sister found it at her house so we didn't have to make a new one ;).
When we arrived there, the nurse had prepared the room. It was a second class room. There were three beds in each room. My dad was instructed to wait the doctor there. Too bad there were no separation for each bed. I wondered how were they gonna do things? I mean, as far as I knew every hospital has a separation between beds even in a third class rooms!
My dad didn't feel comfortable at all. He asked me to find another room in the first class. I went to the nurse's room in the first class area, asking if they have an empty bed. They said 1 bed is available. Good. I went to the lobby again, waiting for my sister since she had the insurance card and I couldn't begin the administration process without it.
After my sister arrived we went to the administration, asking the cost we needed to pay for the surgery. They explained that with the doctor my father chose, we needed to pay extra Rp 5,560,000 only for the surgery because he's not an in-house doctor.. Imagine, we can save that much of money if we change the doctor :P.
We went back to our dad.. telling him the story. Then we all think we should change doctor.. Besided, there were a lot of patients getting the same surgery as my dad with their internal doctor so why wasting money? The problem was, changing doctor was not like flipping your hand upside down. It was related to some medical ethic code between doctors. We needed to check out from the hospital and came again as a new patient. So we packed my Dad's bags and went home again with no result.
My Mom's been waiting at home.. after we told her the story, she insisted to change hospital. She prefers a bigger government hospital which we found quite reasonable too cause the tools are more complete, the location is closer to our house and every other things which we thought "yea.. why didn't we think of that?". My brother who is a doctor also recommended the same hospital. So I guess we're just going to go to that bigger hospital and find a new Urolog.
So, I've been wasting another day with no result. Hmm, was it really no result at all? I don't think so :P. At least we knew we could save money and then we decided to find a better hospital ;).
When we arrived there, the nurse had prepared the room. It was a second class room. There were three beds in each room. My dad was instructed to wait the doctor there. Too bad there were no separation for each bed. I wondered how were they gonna do things? I mean, as far as I knew every hospital has a separation between beds even in a third class rooms!
My dad didn't feel comfortable at all. He asked me to find another room in the first class. I went to the nurse's room in the first class area, asking if they have an empty bed. They said 1 bed is available. Good. I went to the lobby again, waiting for my sister since she had the insurance card and I couldn't begin the administration process without it.
After my sister arrived we went to the administration, asking the cost we needed to pay for the surgery. They explained that with the doctor my father chose, we needed to pay extra Rp 5,560,000 only for the surgery because he's not an in-house doctor.. Imagine, we can save that much of money if we change the doctor :P.
We went back to our dad.. telling him the story. Then we all think we should change doctor.. Besided, there were a lot of patients getting the same surgery as my dad with their internal doctor so why wasting money? The problem was, changing doctor was not like flipping your hand upside down. It was related to some medical ethic code between doctors. We needed to check out from the hospital and came again as a new patient. So we packed my Dad's bags and went home again with no result.
My Mom's been waiting at home.. after we told her the story, she insisted to change hospital. She prefers a bigger government hospital which we found quite reasonable too cause the tools are more complete, the location is closer to our house and every other things which we thought "yea.. why didn't we think of that?". My brother who is a doctor also recommended the same hospital. So I guess we're just going to go to that bigger hospital and find a new Urolog.
So, I've been wasting another day with no result. Hmm, was it really no result at all? I don't think so :P. At least we knew we could save money and then we decided to find a better hospital ;).
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Another croissant
Adrian asked me to make doughnuts for him, but then I saw some pastry butter left in the cabinet. I think it's better to make some croissants for our breakfast. The dough was done, then I left the dough to rest in the fridge. In the mean time, I cooked something for Abang. He prefers to have breakfast with RICE instead of anything else. Unlike me and Adrian, we like bread and friends for breakfast :P.
After I finished cooking for Abang, I turned on the oven, then took out the dough from the fridge and started to shape them. Of course Adrian didn't want to be left out, he immediately climbed up the table and started rolling the dough too. Even it's very annoying, I guess I had to be patient and let him do this. I gave him a few balls of dough to play so he wouldn't "destroy" anything I already made.
It was 7:20. I thought the croissant will be ready in about 15-20 minutes. Enough time for me to take a bath, get ready and just grab a few pieces of them to the office. Just imagining eating the pastry with a cup of coffee was enough to water my mouth kekeke..
I took a bath, get ready and comb my hair. I checked the oven. Uh oh.. the pastry wasn't even cooked well. I touched the oven door, it wasn't hot enough to bake anything. I opened the door and checked the fire. It was out of gas... huuu huuuu huuuu... It was already 7:40 and I was too late for work!
So I just left without my dream breakfast :(.. fortunately, I still have half the dough in the fridge. I'll bake some again tomorrow morning ;)
After I finished cooking for Abang, I turned on the oven, then took out the dough from the fridge and started to shape them. Of course Adrian didn't want to be left out, he immediately climbed up the table and started rolling the dough too. Even it's very annoying, I guess I had to be patient and let him do this. I gave him a few balls of dough to play so he wouldn't "destroy" anything I already made.
It was 7:20. I thought the croissant will be ready in about 15-20 minutes. Enough time for me to take a bath, get ready and just grab a few pieces of them to the office. Just imagining eating the pastry with a cup of coffee was enough to water my mouth kekeke..
I took a bath, get ready and comb my hair. I checked the oven. Uh oh.. the pastry wasn't even cooked well. I touched the oven door, it wasn't hot enough to bake anything. I opened the door and checked the fire. It was out of gas... huuu huuuu huuuu... It was already 7:40 and I was too late for work!
So I just left without my dream breakfast :(.. fortunately, I still have half the dough in the fridge. I'll bake some again tomorrow morning ;)
What a day
It's been a tiring day today. My dad was getting a surgery. Before going to the hospital, I called them first just to confirm a few things such as when the doctor would come to the hospital and the most important thing is: do they accept credit cards? It turned out that they don't accept credit cards... Gosh, isn't it the age of technology and they still don't use credit cards there? :P
Anyway.. The nurse told me that the doctor would come around 10 - 2 o'clock. So I stayed in the office and planned to leave around 10 to fetch my dad and went straight to the hospital. But at 9.30 my dad kept calling me, so I left.
We arrived in the hospital at 12 o'clock. It's a government's Air Force hospital. Like any other government hospitals, you can imagine how chaos it was.. most of the patients were old. I guess they're like my dad, he used to be a government employee and he has a special insurance.
When we were doing the administrations, they asked us the authentic insurance card (which we didn't have). My father was once hospitalized in Sentosa International Bandung Hospital and he could use the copy of the card. Now they want the card? Phwwww.... They said that we had to get a new card, but first we have to get a police statement that we lost the card.
I called the insurance's company. 4 different numbers and they didn't pick it up. I checked the clock, it was 12.15.. Maybe they're having lunch. When I dialed the 5th number, a woman picked the phone.
"Hello.. Bandung"
"Hello, ma'amm.. My dad's going to be hospitalized but he lost his card. Can we make a new one"
"Sure.. here's what you need to bring: blablabla"
"Wait.. what if I already have the copy of the card? should I blablabla"
"Don't interrupt. Just write down the list okay! It's lunch time here"
Gulp! She's very friendly.. ck ck ck.
I hang up the phone, read the list on my hand and stoned. Okay, I thought there's a lot of things to do before my dad is hospitalized. I dropped my parents home and I was going back to office.
Anyway.. The nurse told me that the doctor would come around 10 - 2 o'clock. So I stayed in the office and planned to leave around 10 to fetch my dad and went straight to the hospital. But at 9.30 my dad kept calling me, so I left.
We arrived in the hospital at 12 o'clock. It's a government's Air Force hospital. Like any other government hospitals, you can imagine how chaos it was.. most of the patients were old. I guess they're like my dad, he used to be a government employee and he has a special insurance.
When we were doing the administrations, they asked us the authentic insurance card (which we didn't have). My father was once hospitalized in Sentosa International Bandung Hospital and he could use the copy of the card. Now they want the card? Phwwww.... They said that we had to get a new card, but first we have to get a police statement that we lost the card.
I called the insurance's company. 4 different numbers and they didn't pick it up. I checked the clock, it was 12.15.. Maybe they're having lunch. When I dialed the 5th number, a woman picked the phone.
"Hello.. Bandung"
"Hello, ma'amm.. My dad's going to be hospitalized but he lost his card. Can we make a new one"
"Sure.. here's what you need to bring: blablabla"
"Wait.. what if I already have the copy of the card? should I blablabla"
"Don't interrupt. Just write down the list okay! It's lunch time here"
Gulp! She's very friendly.. ck ck ck.
I hang up the phone, read the list on my hand and stoned. Okay, I thought there's a lot of things to do before my dad is hospitalized. I dropped my parents home and I was going back to office.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sepeda baru (2)...
Tadi malem kita cari sepeda baru untuk Adrian. Kita mau cari sepeda roda empat yang agak besar, soalnya sepedanya yang pertama udah kekecilan buat dia. Ada dua pilihan sepeda, yang satu kecil dan pas banget buat ukuran Adrian, dia juga bisa ngayuh dengan benar. Tapii... pasti bentar lagi ga muat. Daripada mubazir dan harus ganti, jadi kita beli yang agak lebih besar, biar awet lah sampe SD (ga mau rugi hihi)....
Adrian cobain sepeda yang agak besar... Bisa sih, tapi ngayuhnya agak susah.. setengah-setengah dan kakinya ga sampai ke lantai sama sekali he he.
Nah ini sepeda yang agak kecilnya. Pas sih... tapii kayaknya kalo dia dah umur 4 atau 5 taun harus ganti juga. Sayang ya......?
Akhirnya Adrian ambil sepeda yang besar.. biar awet sampe SD katanya.. hihi....
Adrian cobain sepeda yang agak besar... Bisa sih, tapi ngayuhnya agak susah.. setengah-setengah dan kakinya ga sampai ke lantai sama sekali he he.
Nah ini sepeda yang agak kecilnya. Pas sih... tapii kayaknya kalo dia dah umur 4 atau 5 taun harus ganti juga. Sayang ya......?
Akhirnya Adrian ambil sepeda yang besar.. biar awet sampe SD katanya.. hihi....
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