Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is it a waste of time?

Monday we went to the hospital again. This time we brought the authentic insurance card they asked. My sister found it at her house so we didn't have to make a new one ;).

When we arrived there, the nurse had prepared the room. It was a second class room. There were three beds in each room. My dad was instructed to wait the doctor there. Too bad there were no separation for each bed. I wondered how were they gonna do things? I mean, as far as I knew every hospital has a separation between beds even in a third class rooms!

My dad didn't feel comfortable at all. He asked me to find another room in the first class. I went to the nurse's room in the first class area, asking if they have an empty bed. They said 1 bed is available. Good. I went to the lobby again, waiting for my sister since she had the insurance card and I couldn't begin the administration process without it.

After my sister arrived we went to the administration, asking the cost we needed to pay for the surgery. They explained that with the doctor my father chose, we needed to pay extra Rp 5,560,000 only for the surgery because he's not an in-house doctor.. Imagine, we can save that much of money if we change the doctor :P.

We went back to our dad.. telling him the story. Then we all think we should change doctor.. Besided, there were a lot of patients getting the same surgery as my dad with their internal doctor so why wasting money? The problem was, changing doctor was not like flipping your hand upside down. It was related to some medical ethic code between doctors. We needed to check out from the hospital and came again as a new patient. So we packed my Dad's bags and went home again with no result.

My Mom's been waiting at home.. after we told her the story, she insisted to change hospital. She prefers a bigger government hospital which we found quite reasonable too cause the tools are more complete, the location is closer to our house and every other things which we thought "yea.. why didn't we think of that?". My brother who is a doctor also recommended the same hospital. So I guess we're just going to go to that bigger hospital and find a new Urolog.

So, I've been wasting another day with no result. Hmm, was it really no result at all? I don't think so :P. At least we knew we could save money and then we decided to find a better hospital ;).

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