Sunday, August 19, 2007


Adrian baru 1,5 taun, tapi kadang-kadang suka bikin g takjub. Contohnya percakapan pagi tadi. Adrian lagi ee, dari kamar mandi dia manggil2 gue...
Adrian: "Teeeh... teteh.. 'niiii (siniii)" <-- sekarang dia manggil gue "teteh" gara-gara Yani 'n Oom manggil g teteh :P
Gue: "Apa sayang..." <-- nyamperin ke kamar mandi
Adrian: "Teh... ee 'ncat (loncat)" <-- mungkin pas ee-nya nyemplung dia pikir loncat! Ha ha ha...
G kontan ketawa terbahak2. Darimana dia dapet definisi kalo ee-nya loncat! :P

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Am I lucky or what?

A few days ago I bought 4 chocolate-wafers and all of them got prize tags beneath the cover! Yay.. 3 were tagged "Exchange for another chocolate wafer" and 1 was tagged "Exchange with Rp.1000" which was the exact price of the chocolate wafer. Not to mention 2 others which were given by a friend the day before. This morning I exchanged them all to 6 chocolate wafers... :P

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Treatment untuk anak atopik

Adrian sejak kecil selalu bermasalah dengan kulitnya. Kata dokter dia termasuk anak yang memiliki penyakit Atopik, yaitu kalo ada salah satu atau kedua orang tuanya punya alergi, maka si anak jadi "katempuhan" atopik ini. Biasanya anak atopik punya kulit yang sangat sensitif, gampang kering, gampang iritasi kalo kena keringet, dan kalo dah iritasi ujung-ujungnya jadi merah dan gatel. Kesian...

Setelah bolak-balik ke berbagai macam dokter kulit, ternyata dokter yang terakhir cocok banget buat Adrian. Namanya dr. Liem Fenny, dia praktek di RS. Sentosa tiap hari Selasa/Kamis jam 5-9 dan di Apotik Serumpun Bambu (Jl. Gatsu Cimahi) setiap hari Senin, Rabu, Jum'at pada jam yang sama.

Sama dr. Liem Adrian cuma dikasih QV Wash untuk mandi dan jangan lupa selalu dilulur dengan QV Lotion setiap habis mandi. Alhamdulillah, masalah kulitnya berangsur-angsur ilang. Sekarang kulit Adrian halus dan lembut

QV Lotion

QV Wash

Hati-hati untuk pemakai YM ;)

Zero-Day Bug In Yahoo Messenger Pops Up

The heap overflow vulnerability can be triggered when a user accepts a Webcam invite, according to McAfee researchers.

Researchers at McAfee are reporting that they've reproduced a reported zero-day vulnerability in the Yahoo Messenger Webcam.

Karthik Raman, a researcher with McAfee, first reported in a Tuesday blog entry that Chinese researchers were claiming to have found a zero-day bug in Yahoo Messenger. On Wednesday, Raman's fellow McAfee researcher Wei Wang noted in a blog entry that they have been able to reproduce the vulnerability on Messenger V8.1.0.413.

"It seems like a classic heap overflow, which can be triggered when the victim accepts a Webcam invite," wrote Wang.

The bug, according to McAfee, may enable user-assisted remote-code execution attacks. Raman had noted that they have not seen any exploit code for this flaw published yet.

McAfee said it has contacted Yahoo's security team and notified it of the problem.

"Since learning of this issue, we have been actively working towards a resolution and expect to have a fix shortly," said a Yahoo spokesman in an e-mail to InformationWeek. "Yahoo takes security seriously and consistently employs measures to help protect our users."

Wang also reported that this vulnerability is different from one that was patched in June. Researchers at eEye Digital Security had reported that there actually were multiple flaws in version 8 of Yahoo's instant messaging client software. Those flaws could enable a remote hacker to take control of a user's system.

A Yahoo spokeswoman had explained that the June issue was a buffer-overflow flaw in an ActiveX control. This control is part of the code for Webcam image upload and viewing.

McAfee's researchers offered up a few recommendations to deal with this latest bug:

  • Users should not accept Webcam invites from untrusted sources until a patch for this vulnerability is released and installed; and
  • Block outgoing traffic on TCP port 5100 until Yahoo can patch the flaw

- Link ini dapet dari
Berita IT
- Link asli : InformationWeek

Monday, August 13, 2007

Tega.... :(

Koq bisa sih, ngerokok dalam ruangan tertutup dan ber-AC.. kan ga ada udara yang keluar. Trus kita-kita disuruh ngisep asap rokoknya sepanjang hari? Tega.....

p.s. gambar diambil dari:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Miss universe

Sore ini miss universe mo dateng ke kantor... Dia bakal mengunjungi pabrik bareng dengan putri indonesia. Tapi koq g biasa-biasa aja yah.. malah agak-agak bete, soalnya gerak-gerik kita jadi terbatas nih. Udah 3 hari ini semua mobil harus parkir di belakang gara-gara areal kantor mo "dibersihin". Jaraknya ada kali berapa kilometer (atau g berlebihan yah :P).. yang jelas jauh banget. Daripada g harus jalan jauh, mending g minta antar Abang tiap hari 'n didrop di depan hihi....

Tadi pagi aja Abang nanya, "Koq ga bawa kamera?".. Iya yah... ga kepikir sama gue buat moto-moto. Ngebayangin nanti desek-desekan buat ngambil foto si Missy.. ih, nggak banget deh! Intinya sih, g ga terlalu suka dengan keramaian... Lagian, g rasa reaksi orang-orang terlalu berlebihan deh. Ngedadak seluruh areal parkir dikosongin, disapuin, dicuci... Trus belum lagi toilet yang diisi bunga2an seratus rupa, dinding2 ditutup dengan segala macem jenis dekorasi bak mau mantenan... ck ck ck.. what a waste. Penting gitu?